FINAL REPORT – CIECA-RUE Road User Education Project. Important EU legislation relating to driving licences (EU Driving Licence Directive 2006/126/EC, laying down the requirements for a European driving licence) is already in place.
The aim of the transfer project is to advance the driver instructor education in selected European countries (Germany, Belgium, Austria) by implementing web 2.0-supported video and internet technologies. For this a specially developed internet platform as well as experiences from the field of sports will be used.
Ecodriving means smarter and more fuel-efficient driving. Ecodriving represents a new driving culture that makes best use of advanced vehicle technologies, while improving road safety. An important component of sustainable mobility, Ecodriving considerably contributes to climate protection and pollution reduction.
In previous EU-projects it has been worked out what methods to apply best to reduce traffic accidents. In the EU HERMES project it will be worked out how to put best these methods into practice.
MERIT began in early 2004 and was finished in summer 2005. MERIT is a project on driving instructor standards which is 100% funded by the European Commission. The project will culminate in a series of recommendations which will be used by the European Commission for drafting a Directive on minimum requirements for driving instructors in […]